We invite you to join us this Saturday, February 27, beginning at 11:00am ET, for a virtual celebration of visual arts educators, creative inspiration, and a look at the future of the National Art Education Association.
The following events are FREE and take place in a series of Zoom meeting rooms.
No registration required! Simply click on the links below to join these special sessions and celebrations at the times listed.
11:00am ET: 2020-2021 NAEA National Awards Ceremony
Join NAEA President Thom Knab as we celebrate the national awards recipients of 2020 and 2021.
Members, please check your email from NAEA for links to join the Zoom meeting.
12:00pm ET: Artist Talk, Andres Hernandez Andres L. Hernandez is a Chicago-based artist, designer and educator who re-imagines the environments we inhabit, and explores the potential of spaces to support creative production, public dialogue and social action. He is the Museum of Contemporary Art Chicago’s SPACE artist-in-residence at Curie Metropolitan High School; a 2018-2019 visiting artist-in-residence with the University of Arizona School of Art; and a 2018 Efroymson Family Fund Contemporary Arts Fellow. Members, please check your email from NAEA for links to join the Zoom meeting.

1:00pm ET: NAEA 2021-2025 Strategic Vision Update Learn more about the membership-wide collaborative process for the creation of the association's Strategic Vision for the next five years. Explore the re-imagined pillars of Equity, Diversity, & Inclusion; Learning; Advocacy & Policy; Research & Knowledge; and Community Vibrancy. Discover how this work connects to your community and practice. Members, please check your email from NAEA for links to join the Zoom meeting.
2:00pm ET: Division and Region Awards Members, please check your email from NAEA for links to join the Zoom meeting.
Elementary, Middle Level, and Secondary Division Awards Museum Education Division Awards Preservice, Higher Education, and Supervision Administration Division Awards
Women's Caucus Awards Ceremony USSEA Award Announcements and Celebration Art Education Technology (AET) Awards and Reception Special Needs in Art Education Awards Ceremony Retired Art Educators Affiliate Interest Group Annual Awards Pearl Greenberg Award for Teaching and Research in Lifelong Learning
Congratulations to all of the outstanding visual arts education professionals and supports of our field. We look forward to celebrating your contributions on this special day!