We have an awesome lineup of speakers but also want to hear success stories from NAHS/NJAHS chapters!
Please save the date and spread the word about our 2021 NAHS/NJAHS Conference on October 2, 2021. In addition to Jeff Poulin, our keynote speaker who will address creativity, we have chapter project highlights, creative workshops, and art school and career insights.
Cheryl Russell will also address your executive board on leadership in the arts, and each registered chapter will be able to have a member compete in a design throwdown in collaboration with ArtConnected.
This is a great opportunity for your group to collaborate, ideate and set new goals for the 2021 school year.
NAHS/NJAHS registration is open to all! *Cost of Conference Covers guest speakers. Any additional revenue will go towards future events! Registration is $10 per person, $8 each for ten or more people
Please register by 9/24
Questions? Contact Dawn Zalkus nahs@ilaea.org