If you missed the last event at UNM here's another chance to get together for art, camaraderie, and cookies!
If you're unfamiliar, the Sketchbook Disciples are a group of 12 art educators who have been exchanging 12 sketchbooks for the last year, monthly filling them with art based on common prompts. We've always planned for this community input piece, and had a wonderful time making art with colleagues, students, and friends last month at UNM. Help us get the books filled before we take them to the NAEA conference in New York! Our prompts are listed below if you're the planning type. We hope to see you there.
Prompts are:
Upper Level Disturbance
Lost In Unknown Territory
There’s Just Something About Her
Dwelling in Mayhem
The Illusion of Time
Me, Myself, and I, Self Portraits?
Fragmented Memories
Skeletons in Your Closet
Inside Outside
"We are well advised to keep on nodding terms with the people we used to be, whether we find them attractive company or not.) - Joan Didion
Heading for the Light