New Mexico Art Educators Traveling to the 2022 NAEA Conference
The 2022 NAEA Conference begins next week in New York City, and 25+ New Mexico-based art educators are already registered to participate in the conference via the in-person or hybrid conference options. New Mexico will also be well-represented in terms of presenters as educators from the state are scheduled to present (or have already presented as part of pre-conference events) for 20+ different sessions. Tonight (2.25.22) is the deadline to register for the virtual conference option... so you have the opportunity (but just barely) to still sit-in and participate in a number of these wonderful sessions. NMAEA and UNM will also be hosting meet-and-great events for those attending the conference in-person. The schedule of New-Mexico based presenters and details can be found below... I hope our paths cross in New York! #nmarteducators #nmaea #NAEA22 #lobosarted #unmarte