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NMAEA Professional Awards: Nominate Deserving Colleagues Today!

Please consider nominating a deserving colleague for one (or even more) of the New Mexico Art Education Association's professional awards. Each year the organization strives to recognize as many deserving visual art educators as possible and it would be great to have multiple nominations in each category– ELEMENTARY ART EDUCATOR OF THE YEAR | A model elementary art educator and current NMAEA member who deserves recognition for their outstanding instructional support and dedication to students, engagement with families, and advocacy for the arts within their greater community.

MIDDLE LEVEL ART EDUCATOR OF THE YEAR | A model middle level art educator and current NMAEA member who deserves recognition for their outstanding instructi onal support and dedication to students, engagement with families, and advocacy for the arts within their greater community.

HIGH SCHOOL ART EDUCATOR OF THE YEAR | A model secondary art educator and current NMAEA member who deserves recognition for their outstanding instructional support and dedication to students, engagement with families, and advocacy for the arts within their greater community.

HIGHER EDUCATION ART EDUCATOR OF THE YEAR | A model higher education art educator and current NMAEA member who deserves recognition for outstanding instructional support to students, engagement in the community with students, and advocacy in the arts throughout New Mexico.

SUPERVISION/ADMINISTRATION ART EDUCATOR OF THE YEAR | A model art education administrator and current NMAEA member who deserves recognition for outstanding leadership and advocacy in the arts throughout New Mexico.
MUSEUM EDUCATION ART EDUCATOR OF THE YEAR | A model museum art educator and current NMAEA member who deserves recognition for outstanding museum instruction and advocacy in the arts throughout New Mexico.

RETIRED ART EDUCATOR OF THE YEAR | Recognizes a retired art educator who continues to contribute to the field of art education through mentoring, advocating, and/or serving on state or local committees, initiatives, and programs. (i.e. Youth Art Month, Art All State, NNMAEA Conference.)

ART EDUCATOR ADVOCACY AWARD | Recognizes extraordinary effort and accomplishment in advocacy of visual arts education by an art educator

COMMUNITY ART EDUCATOR OF THE YEAR | A strong candidate provides access to the arts and partners with the community to create opportunities for engagement with the arts. * Does not require NMAEA membership.

MAX COLL AND CATHERINE JOYCE COLL AWARD FOR DISTINCTION IN ART EDUCATION | Recognizes a New Mexico leader and champion for the New Mexico Fine Arts Education Act (FAEA). Sponsored by Senator Max Coll in 2003, the FAEA’ s purpose is to encourage school districts to offer opportunities for kindergarten-6th grade to participate in fine arts activities, including visual arts, music, theater and dance. *Does not require NMAEA membership and is chosen by Mrs. Coll.

*NEW MEXICO ART EDUCATOR OF THE YEAR | An exemplary educator who demonstrates outstanding instructional support to students, advocacy for the arts, engagement with community, exceptional history of active participation at the state level. Strong candidates may have held leadership positions, served on committees at the state and local level, received honors, and/or presented at professional conferences. This award is chosen from our professional award winners for the year.
Nominees must meet all specific eligibility requirements of the intended award, as stated in the award description. The nominee must be an NMAEA member for the past two years and spend more than half of their working day (51%) in the job division. For example, educators who work primarily as administrators or supervisors are not eligible to receive the Elementary Art Educator of the Year award, even if that is the level administered or supervised.

Exceptions for membership: Community Art Educator and Max Coll and Catherine Joyce-Coll Award for Distinction in Art Education.

Members of the NMAEA Executive Officers (elected or appointed) are ineligible to be nominated while in office. In the event that a nominee joins the NMAEA Board of Directors between the close of award nominations June 1, 2022 and when awards are reviewed before August 15th, they will still be eligible for an award.

Questions? Please contact Michele Platis at

NMAEA Professional Awards: Nominate Deserving Colleagues Today!
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